New tenancy laws help victims leave violent relationships

Rural Property NSW supports changes to legislation that enable tenants experiencing domestic violence to terminate their tenancy immediately and without penalty.

At Rural Property NSW we’re trying to get the word out that tenancy laws have changed to make it easier for victims of domestic violence to leave abusive relationships. For anyone who might be in this position there is now a clear pathway to break a residential lease.

All a tenant must provide to their real estate agent is a simple declaration supported by their General Practitioner or registered health professional. Previously, it was much more difficult to terminate a lease when two people had signed the agreement as co-tenants. It became a barrier to escaping for people in abusive relationships if a partner refused to break the lease. This amendment removes that potential barrier.

New tenancy laws can help anyone in a threatening domestic situation get out of dangerous living arrangements. They no longer need to feel trapped if their name is on the tenancy agreement.

As a board member of the Real Estate Institute of NSW (REINSW), I am 100% behind the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill of 2018. I want victims of domestic violence to know that there are individuals and organizations out there who want to help. The REINSW is being proactive in assisting those people.

More information is available at REINSW - leases and domestic violence or Fair Trading NSW - breaking a lease early.

Michael Guest (REINSW Board Member, Director - Rural Property NSW)

Posted on Tuesday, 19 March 2019
by Michael Guest in Latest News