Wedding Charm Down on the Farm

Country people are known for being able to improvise and this is definitely the case when it comes to farm weddings.

Surveys over the past couple of years place the “average” price of an Australian wedding between $36,000 and $65,000.  Yes, that's right – the average up to $65K!

But most groups of friends have at least one person amongst them that opts for a simple farm wedding.  And more often than not, that wedding’s reputation outlasts many of the more “traditional” celebrations.   

Rural Property NSW recently spoke about the I do’s and I don’ts of the Farm Wedding with friends who had their own rural nuptials many years ago - and never considered themselves to be trendsetters at the time.

What’s so appealing about getting wed in a shed?

For many couples it’s sentiment, especially if the farm has roots that run deep through generations. They often even have a place that holds significant merit; be it a hill, a tree or a paddock.

Another appealing factor is that everything can be in one place. Ceremony, reception and camping/accommodation at a single venue with guests only needing shanks’ pony to get from A to B.

The dress code can be casual without needing to keep up with appearances of formal function centres.  Not to mention the creativity that can go along with decorations.

And then there’s that silver lining of NO closing time!

There can be a downside. Unless a decent wool, machinery or hay shed is available for shelter; hefty marquee hire fees may be a surprising cost. Not to mention hiring loos, generators, tables, chairs and caterers if the logistics of self-catering are all a bit much. If they're not, most couples can save themselves a huge amount of money using camp ovens, spits and communal cook-ups the day before.

Whilst our friends didn’t feel they were trail blazers, several friends-of-friends have contacted them to borrow the staple decorations of the farm wedding. So far they have been loaned out at least once a year since 2011.  They often come back with extra bits and pieces and get thoughtfully stored away in the couple’s shipping container for next time.

Such has been the rise of the farm/barn wedding popularity, some farms are now entirely or partially dedicated to being wedding venues including here in northwest NSW. In the United states these “staged farm” wedding facilities have almost tripled in popularity over the past 10 years.

Perhaps a little chapel under the silos could be the next big hit in farm business diversification! 

Posted on Wednesday, 28 November 2018
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