A brief pause in a proud history - North West Equestrian Expo

It wasn’t cancelled in the drought despite 3 years on level 6 water restrictions.  The 5-inch rain event in 2012 didn’t stop it either.  Nor did the 2013 fires or the 2007 Equine Influenza outbreak.  But COVID-19 did.

North West Equestrian Expo, better known as Coona Expo or just Expo, is a landmark annual interschool equestrian competition for around 500 horse riders and the Coonabarabran community.

The first events in the 2020 Expo should have begun on May 29th, followed by 5 days of competition and camaraderie.  There would have been jubilation for some, tears for others but overall a good time for everyone.  Unfortunately this year’s event was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Secretary for Expo, Rebecca Moxham, spoke about what the event means to the Coonabarabran community.

“After running a successful and iconic event for 27 years, a sense of pride has evolved within the community associated with the success of Expo” she said;

“Locals are keen to support the event, volunteering year after year”. 

From a financial perspective, the event is a major multiplier.  Rebecca explained that the motels are booked solidly for the 5 nights of the event, the restaurants are full and Woolworths has been known to sell out of supplies!  Expo generates employment within the local businesses and at the event itself where cleaning and security staff are required.

“For volunteer organisations like Rotary, the Primary and High School P&C’s and RDA; Expo provides a platform for fundraising to source donations from outside the local community” Rebecca said;

“The Showground Trust receives a financial injection based on a per rider fee while local equestrian groups have access to excellent equipment and expertise from the flow on effects of the Expo”.

But the benefits don’t all flow one way.  Despite the devastating effects of the drought on the Warrumbungle Shire, the Expo committee offered half price entry to any drought impacted rider in 2019 without any proof required.  This subsidy was also planned for 2020.  The committee reasoned that many competitors were from drought affected regions and may not have had the funds to attend the event. 

Local businesses significantly sponsor the event to minimise entry fees and provide generous prizes.  The winning of an Expo horse rug is a highly sought-after prize by competitors.

Following the 2013 bushfires that decimated the Warrumbungle National Park and many landholders in the Coonabarabran region, the showground was a base for Blaze Aid.  Along with other groups, the Expo committee provided catering for the Blaze Aid volunteers while they were assisting with the bushfire recovery.

Such is the popularity of Expo within the equestrian community, there are now second-generation competitors attending with their parents as supporters, adding to the sense of tradition associated with the event.

Competitors and the Coonabarabran community can rest assured that Expo will be back bigger and better in 2021.

“The decision to cancel Expo 2020 was made with regret and after careful consideration” explained Rebecca,

“Mark the dates 4th to 8th June for Expo 2021.  Thanks to support from the Warrumbungle Shire drought funding, Expo is in an excellent position to welcome all the competitors, team managers and families back to Coonabarabran” she enthused.

No doubt this is good news for all and Rural Property NSW wishes the committee and community many future years of success.

Photo credit: LMG Photography (Lisa Gordon)



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Posted on Friday, 29 May 2020
by Michael Guest in Latest News